Tis The Season For Self-Care

Dear Lovelies,

We've just finished decorating our tree at home. My partner made homemade worstenbroodje (Dutch sausage pastries), and I've managed to nail the recipe down for a fluffy, gluten & sugar-free pumpkin cake.

I love this time of year.

And not just because it will have been almost 2 years since Ori arrived Earthside, although that is significant, too.

It’s become a priority to me that my child has the opportunity to experience wonder: To revel in the beauty of song, lights, ritual and gatherings, and the chance to really be…well, children. The festive season gives us permission, both little ones and adults alike, to create and celebrate that magic.

It's also a time for reflection, and letting go, helping us to get clear on what we'd like to call in, and who or what we desire to embody in the New Year.

The pandemic is still around. It’s a bummer. It really is.

However, it’s highlighted a pressing issue for us Earthlings—the need to truly build a sustainable of good health and well-being. Not just for the sake of ourselves, but for the state of the planet, too.

Perhaps the most proactive thing we can do is to diligently care for ourselves deeply…on all levels and dimensions.

What might that look like? Here are some suggestions to get you started.

11 Ways to Care For Yourself (Truly, Madly Deeply)

1. Move in ways that feel good to your body and make you FEEL strong.

2. Make time to connect to yourself: deeply love, accept and appreciate yourself.

3. See a naturopath, homeopath, functional medicine doctor for a checkup to optimise gut health and immunity.

4. Get some alignment work done, whether it's osteopathy, kinesiology, physiotherapy, craniosacral therapy, or energy healing of your choice.

5. Go for a walk in nature or a swim in the ocean.

6. GIVE YOURSELF A supplement BOOST—vitamin D, C, a good probiotic, magnesium & zinc are a great start.

7. Devote time to managing your financial health.

8. Make lifestyle choices and habits that reduce inflammation.

9. Manage your stress through mindfulness, journaling, EFT.

10. Have a cathartic cry.

11. Do things and be around people that make your heart sing.

Wishing you much wonderment, merriment and magic this festive season!

Much love,

Hello, 2022.
Kinesiology sessions support you in letting go of subconscious beliefs, programming and negative energies that do not serve you, in order to make way for clarity, resolve and lightness of being.