
Dear Reader,

I wanted to include a love letter from me, welcoming you to this space I have spent the past year creating little by little. It’s an online trove where I can share the things I care very passionately about, in addition to how I may be of service to you and the greater whole. After all, can your life’s work also be your joy? In this space, I’m excited to talk about the importance of gentle birth, the Aware parenting approach, and share the recipe for my keto black sesame cake…which I’m really proud of!

As I sit here and write this, we’ve just welcomed in 2021.

Unprecedented times, right? I’ve never heard the word unprecedented so many times in a year. A lot of unprecedented things happened this year for sure. Most notably welcoming my son Orion Earthside, and navigating my new role as a mother.

Disruption. The new normal.

I spent my postpartum period cocooned away with the news of COVID-19 taking the world by storm, disrupting life as we knew it, in the midst of dealing with the biggest disruption and blessing of my life thus far - a new baby in our lives.

These ruptures in our previous conception of life, as devastating as they may be, are always a chance for growth. To build and re-build.

I’ve been blessed with a postpartum year that has shown me a love that I have never known before, strengthening relationships both old and new, tears, anxieties, riding the waves of change and navigating both my new world and struggling to let go of the world as I’ve known it. The times where Ori lay asleep on me and I had no choice but to be fully present and take a time out from the usual business of life, gifted me the art of slowing down, the sort of spaciousness that encourages contemplation. Priorities changed and perspectives shifted. What kind of mother did I want to be? Who did I want to be? Who am I? The contemplation continues…but what it has spawned thus far is my debut in this new world, with clarity around my purpose and intentions, and inspired the birth of Raising Orion.

The results of this contemplation? In a nutshell:

  1. I’m passionate about gentle birthing, parenting, self-discovery and well-being.

  2. My heart knows a more beautiful world is possible.

  3. I believe that the world would be a much better place if we embodied the following:

    • Viewed ourselves as part of nature.

    • Listened to and trusted our bodies.

    • Were brought up doing the above!

    • Raised to listen and respect our needs, thereby allowing us to do the same for others.

    • Encouraged to express our feelings as children and adults (let’s normalize emotions!)

    • Had compassion for ourselves.

    • Made self-care a priority.

    • Made self-discovery a priority.

    • Sought healing for our wounds that still negatively affect our worldview and cause us pain.

    • Encouraged to think creatively.

I believe these things can encourage and support transformation in this world that is in dire need of it. (As I write this Jeremy Roske’s “Build Your Foundation” is playing in the background on my shuffle playlist - synchronicity!)

Essentially, us and our stories are the foundation for change. Our children are the foundation for future change. What stories do we want them to have about themselves?

This place is a platform for which I can share all that I am passionate about and find vitally important in work and life…after all, is there really a distinction between the two? I want to believe that there isn’t. Life’s work. Purpose. Passion. Joy. Service. I strive to live in a space where they intersect. I want to respond to every call that excites my spirit. This creation is in support of that. I find joy in supporting people to connect back to their bodies, and tune into their hearts.

Thank you for being here.

I wish you love and blessings on your continuing journey!

Much love,

BirthLia Wong