6 Parenting Game Changers

These 6 things have been vital to my experience of parenting…and have made my life more easeful and joyful. They are listed not in order of priority. :)

Whether it's craniosacral therapy, kinesiology, or simply talking to a therapist, I've found these sessions incredibly valuable. My bi-weekly therapy appointments are like a loving sanctuary for my mental and emotional well-being. They're a safe space to explore my thoughts and feelings, whether they're parenting-related or entirely personal. Most importantly, they've helped me strengthen my relationship with myself. 

I'm a huge advocate of the Inner Child Journeys: How Our Children Grow Us Up by Robin Grille. It's all about understanding that when I'm triggered or facing a challenging situation, it often taps into old memories or emotional wounds from my past, especially childhood. This awareness has empowered me to reframe my experiences and gain a deeper understanding of myself, ultimately leading to more mindful choices. 

Becoming a parent changed my social circle. I now cherish friends who check in on me, ask how I’m doing and listen empathically—without judgment or criticism—when I share how I’m feeling. Now that I’ve experienced this, I cannot go back to friendships for the sake of friendship. Having this circle of friends has made all the difference! 

I make a point to check in with my needs throughout the day: Am I thirsty? Do I need to pee? (Then get up and pee or get a glass of water!) Am I hungry? What do I really need right now? Do I need to sit down on the sofa and read my book for 10 minutes, or do I need to close my eyes because I feel overwhelmed? Do I need to head hold? It can be easy as a parent to rush around and meet everyone else’s needs and the household’s, too. You’ve heard it already, fill your cup first! 

Finding the right partner was a journey filled with heartbreak and growth. I made self-development a non-negotiable in my search for a life partner. My significant other is deeply committed to self-improvement, which has enriched our relationship. We co-parent equally and share aligned values in our approach to parenting…and also life. I'm incredibly grateful for his presence in my life and it makes things so much easier. 

Discovering the philosophy of Aware Parenting by Aletha Solter, Ph.D. brought me a wealth of knowledge and practical tools to help me with deal with parenting in a way that’s aligned with how I see the world. It gave me a way to create limits, without being authoritarian or permissive (hello loving limits!), and gave me a way to honour secure attachment, while also meeting my needs as a parent. It also helped me to understand the importance of tears and tantrums, and foster cooperation and connection through play. The community that embraces these principles has been a wellspring of support and wisdom. 

Everyone is different, everyone is unique. The things that helped me may not be a perfect fit for everyone. I'm sharing these transformative aspects of my journey in the hopes that they resonate with you or inspire you to find your own sources of joy and ease in parenting.